Lessons we all must learn from 2019

Well, I m Aryan and I am your companion for the road towards growth in the upcoming year, and hopefully…..the decade!!!

If you are new, you can learn about my ambitions by clicking on the link below :


Now without any further introduction, I would like to describe my lessons from year 2019. A lesson would summarised by the end of each Point.

.1. Challenges are there to test you, not to crush you- A lot happened to me in lot of terms in 2019. I would get frustrated, my Self Esteem would go to the tunnels. Nothing would seem to work.

…But I also learnt how to face challenges with courage. The year made me stronger. I learnt that regretting is much more painful than actual pain. So don’t worry about challenges, face them and grow stronger.

“Tough people last longer than great challenges”

.2.We all have a choice to move on- Some hardships are there in each of us ,we feel guilty, often jealous and most painfully, the pain of being robbed from life’s simplest pleasures.

It is true that life is cruel, but it is our perspective which can make the difference .As soon as we change our perspective to see our struggles ,It becomes much easier for us to continue the path. Just change your perspective towards a problem and feel the power of forgiveness rise through you.

“Change yourself, everything will change automatically. “

.3.Ignore the naysayers- Many times we start something and are sort of ‘discouraged’ by mere Comments of some people . We feel the energy drain by comments of such people.

But what I have learnt through the year is that .If you are willing for something, nothing matters what others have to say. Be yourself, and move the road of growth .

Finally, “It is not someone else to tell you to learn and change, It is your spirit within which helps you to change .”

Thank-you for reading my dear reader. Please comment your views and if you found the blog useful press like option. These things keep me going.

Love You.

Published by Aryan Dubey

I m a passionate 16 year old looking to share gratitude to family I gained through this forum. Yeah, my readers.

6 thoughts on “Lessons we all must learn from 2019

  1. #rishabhshukla
    My dear friend, “the LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing”.So never feel alone.
    One day you will leave this world behind so live a life you will remember.

    Liked by 1 person

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